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Swimming: Here Are the Beaches Where Jellyfish Are Present Today

Here is the list of beaches where jellyfish have been observed in the last 48 hours in Bouches-du-Rhône, Var, and Alpes-Maritimes.

Publié par Jean-Baptiste Fontana le 02/08/2024
article autonome Cet article est réactualisé automatiquement plusieurs fois par jour.

Swimming: The List of Beaches with Jellyfish Today in Var, Alpes Maritimes and Bouches-du-Rhône

Thanks to reports from our partner cities and submissions from our readers, updates this list daily with beaches where jellyfish have been spotted in the past 48 hours.

Jellyfish Observations in Coastal Areas

Jellyfish have been spotted in several coastal communities. Swimming is still possible, but caution is advised, especially with young children.

Causes of Proliferation

Their increase is linked to rising water temperatures and currents. Carried by currents and wind, their arrival is unpredictable. Usually found in deep waters, currents occasionally bring them to shores and beaches.

Reporting Jellyfish Sightings

If you spot a jellyfish, please report it (check the beach concerned and click "report jellyfish" or in the map below)


Where are jellyfish today?

You too, if you spot jellyfish, report them to others!

Have you seen a jellyfish? Share your sighting with other readers. There are two ways to do this:

Automatically Geolocate

Geolocation allows you to find the nearest beach directly.

> Enable geolocation to display nearby beaches and report jellyfish presence

You will need to allow your smartphone to access geolocation. This permission is only used to position you on the nearest beach. No other use of your location is made.

Locate a point on the map

What to do in case of a jellyfish sting?

Do not rub the stung area,
Do not apply alcohol,
Do not rinse with fresh water,
Rinse with seawater,
Remove any fragments left on the skin with tweezers,
In case of a severe sting, the venom can be neutralized with vinegar or hot seawater,
For pain relief: use an analgesic such as paracetamol.

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